Jetzt für alle Versicherten der Mobil Krankenkasse

memodio wird ab sofort vollständig von der Mobil Krankenkasse erstattet!

More information at

0331 769 950 33

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It's that simple

memodio is now reimbursed by Mobil Health insurance for half a year!


1. download the memodio-App

Download the memodio app from the App Store or Google Play Store by searching for "memodio"


2. Add your health insurance data

Add your health insurance data to the app. Enter that you are insured with Mobil Krankenkasse and your insurance number.


3. Use memodio for free

After successful verification, you can use the app for free. The costs are covered by Mobil Krankenkasse.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We answer the most frequently asked questions about the refund of the Mobil Krankenkasse

Are there any costs I have to pay?

No, the costs for the memodio app are covered by your Mobil Krankenkasse. You can use the app for free.

What is the memodio app?

The memodio app is an app for the prevention of dementia. It is a certified medical device and was created by a team of scientists and experts based on scientific studies. The app is available for Android and iOS smartphones and tablets.

What should I do if I have problems with the process?

If you have any problems with the reimbursement process, please contact our customer service. You can reach us by phone through the number below or per e-mail at

Any questions left unanswered?

We are happy to help you with further questions about the memodio app and the refund process at

0331 769 950 33